Oakwood Infant and Nursery School
In Reception we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which can be accessed from the Department for Education (DfE) website. There is a link to that website above.
This is a largely play based curriculum, where children learn through discovery, supported by adults.
Each Reception child will have a daily phonics session, led by a teacher or teaching assistant, to develop their skills of matching sounds to letters, to develop their reading and writing skills. We follow the Letters and Sounds programme, but include some aspects of Jolly Phonics.
We do not follow a single reading scheme but use a variety of graded books, including Bug Club and Floppy's Phonics. All books are fully decodable using the sounds they have already learned.
Children are also able to bring another book home with them which they have chosen. This may not be fully decodable by your child but they will love sharing it with you, as we also want to encourage a love of reading.
Year 1
In Year 1, some children continue with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum until October half term but the majority of children follow the National Curriculum. This can be accessed on the Department for Education (DfE) website. There is a link below. We follow the locally agreed syllabus for Religious Education (RE).
Much of the learning in Year 1 will be practical, although there is greater structure than in Reception.
Every child will have a daily phonics lesson in which they continue to work on Letters and Sounds. They will also be applying these phonic skills in other lessons. You will find below a booklet which we hope will help you help your child at home.
We do not follow one reading scheme but every child will have a graded reading book, which is fully decodable using their current phonic knowledge. Children will also be able to choose an additional reading book to take home; this may not be fully decodable but they will enjoy sharing it with you as we want to encourage a love of reading.
Year 2
In Year 2 all children follow the National Curriculum, which can be accessed from the Department for Education (DfE) website. There is a link to it below. We also follow the locally agreed syllabus for Religious Education (RE).
Children will continue to have daily phonics lessons, in which they continue either to work on Letters and Sounds or move on to Support for Spelling. They will be applying these skills across the curriculum. You will find below a booklet which we hope will help you help your child at home.
Every child will take part in a Guided Reading session each week but some may also do additional individual reading.