Oakwood Infant and Nursery School
Vision and Values
Oakwood Infant and Nursery School is on the site of the former Windsor School.
We have vibrant and colourful classrooms, where lots of learning (and fun) takes place. As well as a large playground, we have a wildlife area, a school field and our own wood!
We have places for 360 children in the main part of the school, with 4 classes of 30 children in each year group.
Our Nursery caters for children from the age of 3 until they enter Reception and we have 104 part-time places, either morning or afternoon.
All children are admitted into Reception in the September after their 4th birthday.
We have assembly on Monday morning and Thursday morning and Year 1 has a Golden Book Assembly on Friday morning and Year 2 has Golden Book Assembly on Friday afternoon.
At the end of Year 2, when children are 7, most transfer to Alton Park Junior School, with whom we have very close links.
Aims and Objectives
The school aims:
to provide a caring, disciplined and challenging environment that stimulates the intellectual, emotional, physical, moral, and spiritual growth of the pupils;
to enable each child whatever their ability, to recognise their own worth and to accept their responsibilities to society;
to provide a broad and stimulating curriculum based on the National Curriculum, which seeks to develop lively, inquiring minds, and enables children to understand the society in which they live;
to nurture those basic skills and concepts which are necessary for future education and development;
to encourage self confidence, self discipline and self motivation so that children may become self reliant in their learning;
to enable children to strive for excellence.
At Oakwood Infant and Nursery School we try to:
care about everybody and everything in our school
think about others as well as ourselves
play nicely without fighting or hurting others
think before we do or say something
listen to what other people are saying
be sensible
keep our school tidy
do our best
be polite
be cheerful
keep the school code
The school code forms the basis for expected behaviour in school.
walk around the school and not run
avoid play-fighting because it can lead to real fights
try not to use words which upset other people
tell the truth
put our litter in the bin
Ethos and Values
At Oakwood Infant and Nursery School, children come first and our priority is to deliver high quality teaching and learning whilst at the same time providing rich and truly enjoyable learning experiences for our community of children.
Everything we do as a school is to ensure that the children achieve their very best. We are deeply aware that children only get one chance at their primary education and it is our job to ensure that they all reach for the highest levels of personal achievement and development.
We want every child to be successful; to reach for success from the very first day they join us and throughout their school lives so that when they leave us, they have a love of learning for the rest of their lives.
Our Mission Statement
At Oakwood Infant and Nursery School we provide a safe, healthy, happy and creative learning environment for everyone, through high expectations and mutual respect. We are all stars, watch us shine.
At Oakwood Infant & Nursery School we will strive to:-
Provide a secure and stimulating environment that is conducive to all children having the opportunity to reach their full potential;
Have regard and respect for the experiences, knowledge and cultural diversity that every child brings to school. To use this as a foundation for improving standards;
Value the achievements of all children, both in and out of school and provide opportunities to develop self-confidence and a positive self image;
Provide a supportive culture in which all staff are encouraged to extend, develop and share their expertise;
Ensure that issues of equal opportunities are considered in all our work;
Provide a curriculum based on the National Curriculum and Foundation Stage Curriculum that is broad, balanced, relevant, progressive and appropriately differentiated;
Offer all children equal access to the curriculum and school life in the community where individual differences are appreciated, celebrated, understood and accepted;
Encourage children to become good citizens, by developing caring attitudes and respect towards themselves, other children, adults, their school and their community;
Recognise that children are constantly developing and ensure that the curriculum offered to them is appropriate to that development;
Encourage each individual to take responsibility for his/her behaviour and to act as a good role model to others.